Sustainable forest management

Strengthening the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management of forest landscapes

©Oscar Sky/Unsplash

Project's full title Strengthening the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management of forest landscapes in Turkey's Kazdaglari Region (FSP)
Introduction The project is designed to enhance the conservation of biodiversity across Turkey’s Kazdağları Region through an integrated (multi-sectoral) landscape management approach that strengthens protected areas at system and individual site levels, while also safeguarding peripheral forest and agricultural lands under production through sustainable management practices, and enhancing biodiversity conservation.
Country Türkiye
Start date 25/10/2022
End date 25/10/2027
Status Ongoing
Recipient / Target Areas Türkiye
Budget 4,657,534
Project Code GCP /TUR/904/GFF
Objective / Goal To improve biodiversity conservation and sustainable forest management in the Kazdağlari Region for environmental and socio-economic benefits.
Partners GEF, FAO


This integrated landscape approach will be demonstrated in the Project Area of 184,297 ha, comprising 25 forest sub-districts in Balıkesir and Çanakkale Regional Forest Directorates and including Kazdağı National Park, with the intention of being mainstreamed post-project in accordance with a Regional Vision developed by this project to conserve Kazdağları’s biodiversity.

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Project components and outcomes are listed below:

1. Strengthening protected areas management within a sustainable landscape management context.

1.1 Protected areas system underpinned by strengthened policies and monitoring systems.
1.2 Improved coverage, governance and effective management of protected areas.

2. Integrating biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of forests and agricultural areas across Kazdağlari’s landscapes.

2.1 Kazdağlari Region managed in an integrated, holistic manner to safeguard its unique biodiversity, enhance functioning of its ecosystems and ensure provisioning of goods and services for its social and economic prosperity.
2.2 Improved integration and sustainable landscape-scale management of forest, agricultural and other production systems

3. Enhancing awareness, understanding and capacities to integrate management for conservation and production purposes across landscapes.

3.1 Improved awareness, understanding and capacity to effectively manage protected areas and production systems at landscape scales.
3.2 Project effectively and efficiently implemented, including dissemination of knowledge gained and lessons learned, and fully accountable to its stakeholders.