
Members of the Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries

The ACSFI consists of no less than 15 and no more than 30 leading experts, familiar with problems of forest industries, designated by the FAO Director-General. They serve in their personal capacity and at their own expense, reflecting broadly the interests of producer and consumer countries and representative of all regions. Representatives of international financial institutions, civil society, including the private sector, may be invited by the Committee to attend a session of the Committee as advisors and may, with the approval of the Chairperson of the Committee, participate in the discussion of one or more specific items of the agenda of a session. Representatives shall be invited to a session - because of their special qualifications and any other considerations relevant to the work of the Committee.

ACSFI Steering Committee

José Carlos da Fonseca Junior (Chair)

Silvia Melegari (Vice Chair)

Heidi Brock

Andrew Large

Tsunehiro Ogawa

Francoise van de Ven


Sven Walter, Team Leader, Forest Products and Bioeconomy, Forestry Division (ACSFI Secretary)
[email protected]

Lyndall Bull, Forestry Officer, Value-Added Innovation, Forestry Division
[email protected]

Francesca Bertola, Consultant, Forest Products and Bioeconomy, Forestry Division
[email protected]

ACSFI Members

Alexander von Reibenitz, Chief Executive Officer, DIE PAPIERINDUSTRIE e.V.,
[email protected]

Andrew Large, Director-General, Confederation of Paper Industries
United Kingdom
[email protected] 

Boris Zingarevich, Vice-President, Russian National Pulp and Paper Association (RAO Bumprom)
Russian Federation
[email protected]

Charles Nyanjui, Chairperson, Farm Forestry Smallholder Producers Association of Kenya (FFSPAK)
[email protected]

David Rhodes, Chief Executive Officer, New Zealand Forest Owners Association
New Zealand
[email protected]

Derek Nighbor, Chief Executive Officer, Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)
[email protected]

Françoise Van de Ven, President, Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux (ATIBT)
[email protected]

Giulia Fadini, Project Manager, Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI)
[email protected] 

Göksel Korkmaz, President, Turkish Forest Industry and Businessmen Association
[email protected]

Heidi Brock, President and CEO of the American Forest & Paper Association
United States
[email protected]

Hüseyin Güler, Business Planning & Innovation Director, Kastomonu Entegre
[email protected]

Indroyono Soesilo, Chairman, Association of Indonesian Forest Concessionaires
[email protected]

Jane Molony, Executive Director, Paper Manufacturers Association
South Africa
[email protected]

José Carlos da Fonseca Junior, Executive Director, Brazilian Tree Industry (IBA)
[email protected]

Jose Urtubey, Director, Grupo Tapebicuá
[email protected]

Kwame Asamoah Adam, Chief Executive Officer, Ghana Timber Millers Organization
[email protected] 

Lorenz Freiherr Klein von Wisenberg, Member of Board c/o AGDW - Die Waldeigentuemer, German Federation of Forestland Owner Associations
[email protected]

Ngo Sy Hoai, Vice President & Secretary General, Vietnam Timber & Forest products Association (VIFOREST)
Viet Nam
[email protected]

Paul-Antoine Lacour, Directeur général, Union Française des Industries des Cartons, Papiers et Celluloses (COPACEL)
[email protected] 

Ross Hampton, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA)
[email protected]

Scott Jones, CEO American Forestry Landowner Association
United States
[email protected]

Shobhan Mittal, President, Greenply Industries
[email protected]                                                                                                              

Silvia Melegari, Secretary General, European Confederation of Woodworking Industries (CEI-Bòis)
[email protected]

Tsunehiro Ogawa, President, Japan Paper Association
[email protected] 

Viveka Beckeman, Director General, Swedish Forest Industries Federation
[email protected]

Wu Shengfu, President, China Wood Culture Association
[email protected]