
ACSFI Members at 8th World Forest Week

ACSFI Members at 8th World Forest Week

Last October, some of the Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries members gathered at FAO Headquarters (Rome, Italy), from 3-7 October 2022 in Rome, Italy, to participate in the 8th World Forest Week and the 26th session of FAO’s Committee on Forestry (COFO 26). COFO26 was successful in engaging a high number of participants, above 750, representing 109 Member countries, and over 40 Observer countries and Organizations, while the ACSFI members contributed as speakers to different special events, discussing the issues concerning the sustainable consumption and production of forest products.

On 4 October 2022, the ACSFI member, Mr Indroyono Soesilo, joined the panel “Indonesia's plans for carbon-positive forests by 2030 and launch of the state of Indonesia's forests 2022”, with the participation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia.

The event saw the launch of the State of Indonesia's Forests 2022, highlighting the important role of Indonesia's tropical forests in tackling global climate, but also Indonesia’s ambition and strategies to achieve a carbon net sink in Forestry and Other Land Use (FOLU) sector by 2030. “The holders of forest utilization business permits (PBPH) across Indonesia are ready to support the government in achieving the FOLU Net Sink 2030 target”, said Indroyono. The links between sustainable forest management, forest restoration and peatland management to reduce emissions from FOLU sector were also highlighted.

On the same day, the ACSFI Chair, Mr Ross Hampton (AFPA), joined experts from across the globe in the Special Event “Sustainable wood and non-wood forest products - pathways to carbon-neutral and resilient bioeconomies”. He offered examples of how the private sector can foster sustainable wood value chains as a contribution to a circular bioeconomy and climate neutrality.  Read more

Mr Hampton also participated in the event “A bright future for forestry: Investing in youth career development”, dedicated to youth, providing insights to and recommendations for improving career development and to promote a culture for young professionals to share their expertise and perspectives within the sector.

Watch the youth event webcast here.    

On October 5, the ACSFI Chair spoke at the event "Planting forests for carbon-neutral economies, sustainable landscapes, and livelihoods", delivering a compelling message about what he considers to be today's most pressing issue - the climate crisis - and the urgent need to not only accept but "embrace planted forests." He emphasized the importance of moving quickly to begin planting more trees, alluding to the Global forest sector outlook 2050 projections that at least 37 million hectares will be required to meet the demand for wood, by 2050. “The private sector stands ready to collaborate with stakeholders and provide investment solutions and business models to accelerate planting forests, in various contexts and regions” he concluded.

Watch the Planted Forests event webcast here.

On 6 October 2022, the ACSFI member Mr Derek Nighbor (FPAC), took part in the session “Beyond numbers: income, employment and decent work in forestry”, organized by FAO in collaboration with ILO and UNECE. He underlined how the private sector can ensure safe and decent work conditions in the forest sector, as well as the need to create a “workplace of choice”: shaped by values, inclusive, attractive to a skilled workforce and youth, responsive to emerging technologies and innovation.  Read more

The events build directly on the achievements of the recently held XV World Forestry Congress (Korea, May 2022), where complementary sessions have been organized.