
FAO forest industry body sets priorities for sustainable development

FAO Luis Tato

Senior executives from the forest industry have set priorities to enhance the forest sector’s contribution to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals at the 61st session of the Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries (ACSFI).

ACSFI, a FAO statutory body, brings together heads of forest industry and forest growers’ associations and company executives from over 20 countries around the world to provide guidance on FAO work relevant to the  forest-based industries.

Meeting via web conferencing on 31 March due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, ACSFI members agreed that strategic partnerships between the private sector, FAO and other relevant stakeholders should be a key to supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Members also endorsed a new ACSFI strategic framework for 2020-2030 at the session.

“As we enter a critical decade to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the development of a clear ACSFI strategic framework has been essential to enhance understanding of emerging opportunities and threats for the global forest sector,” said ACSFI Secretary Sven Walter. “In particular, it seeks to prioritize those topics that FAO, the private sector, and other stakeholders should focus on to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns related to forest products.”

The session also discussed the current COVID-19 crisis, which presents the global forest sector with critical urgent and longer-term challenges.

Derek Nighbor, Chair of the International Council on Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA), said ICFPA was working with member associations to develop a comprehensive repository of information related to their COVID-19 responses to allow the sector to support and learn from each other.

“We look forward to continuing our constructive relationship with the ACSFI to ensure that the essential services that the forest sector provides can continue during these challenging times,”Nighbor said.

Members were also updated on a new ACSFIinitiative focusing on forest renewables replacing fossil-based and greenhouse-gas-intensive products, undertaken in collaboration with the European Forest Institute. A report from this project, called Project Foresight, is due in late 2020.

“This initiative is really important for our climate, our industry and for the sustainable management and use of the world’s forests,” said Carina Hakansson, ACSFI Chair and Director General of the Swedish Forest Industries Federation.
The meeting concluded with the decision to hold the 62nd meeting of the ACSFI in Australia.

“The forest sector in Australia is experiencing huge challenges this year with the forest fires and the COVID-19 pandemic and it is implementing targeted action to mitigate the impacts,” said the ACSFI Vice Chair and CEO of the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA), Ross Hampton. “AFPA is looking forward to welcoming ACSFI members to Australia in 2021 and to share lessons learned from the Australian forest sector to address these challenges.”

Established in 1960, the ACSFI meets yearly with the main objective of providing guidance on activities and programme of work of the FAO on issues relevant to the paper and forest products industry, in support of member countries’ efforts to progress towards sustainable development. ACSFI members typically hold senior positions within their respective industries but participate in the committee as experts in their personal capacities.