IV All Africa Horticultural Congress - AAHC2020

Dakar, Senegal, Senegal, 29/03/2021 31/03/2022

The Executive Committee of the 4th AAHC, the Horticulture Cluster and the ISHS, invite you to the Fourth Pan-African Congress of Horticultural Sciences (IV AAHC) to be held at the Abdou Diouf de Diamniadio International Conference Centre in Senegal.

The Pan-African Horticultural Congress (AAHC), which is being held for the first time in French-speaking West Africa, will be a major event for the African and world scientific community. Beyond the interest aroused by the topicality of the theme and the topics on the programme, it will strengthen the positioning of West Africa, and Senegal in particular, in the sector of research and technical and scientific innovation in horticulture.

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