Plan a virtual IYFV event

Plan an event online using platforms, such as Skype or Zoom, to bring people together and celebrate the IYFV virtually. Another option can be to use social media platforms that have live video streaming functions to engage with a wider audience.

Festivals and fairs

Take a fresh approach by considering different activities or new formats for events. Organising events, such as food tastings, cooking demonstrations and exhibitions of local fruits and vegetables can be just as effective and engaging online!

City and public transport branding

Approach municipalities, outdoor advertisers, or transportation companies to place IYFV products like the IYFV poster or promo video.

Get the media involved!

Approach advertising contacts in TV stations as early as possible to place the IYFV promo video. Share ideas with the IYFV team on where you hope to place any promo material, and we will produce it in the language you need.

Lectures, panels and roundtables

Organise or sponsor a public lecture with political leaders, educators, scientists and farmers using an online platform and invite people to attend virtually. Use the lecture to promote solutions and discussions that inspire participants to take action.

Know your influencers!

Identify bloggers, actors, popular public figures, photographers, chefs or experts who champion similar issues to help amplify FAO messages at events and across digital platforms. Get in touch with us so we can guide you in your efforts.