全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


国家粮食安全范围内 土地、渔业及森林权属 负责任治理 自愿准则

《准则》是第一份通过政府间磋商谈判制定的 有关权属及其治理的全球性综合文书。 《准则》列出有关负责任治理的原则和国际公认标准, 对土地、渔业及森林资源开展利用和管理。 《准则》用以指导下列工作:改进权属权利治理的政策、法律和组织框 架;提高权属体系的透明度并强化管理;加强与权属及其治理有关的 公共机构、私营企业、民间社会组织以及人员的能力和行动。 《准则》把权属治理置于国家粮食安全范畴内,旨在促进逐步实现充足 食物权、消除贫困、保护环境以及可持续社会经济发展。


The Economic Effects of Land Reform in Tajikistan

The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic effects of land reform policies in Tajikistan on the country’s agricultural sector and rural households. There is a conspicuous lack of evidence-based policy dialogue with the government on the effectiveness of land and agricultural policies in...


Guide to Measuring Household Food Security

This guidebook was prepared by Gary Bickel, USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Office of Analysis, Nutrition, and Evaluation, and Mark Nord, USDA Economic Research Service (ERS), Food and Rural Economics Division.


A food security perspective to livestock and the environment

The main premise of this essay is that an early escape from hunger is not primarily the result of private decisions in response to free-market forces. Improved food security stems directly from a set of government policies that integrate the food economy into a development strategy that seeks rapid...


Guidelines for developing national plans of action for nutrition

At the invitation of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), an international group of experts in nutrition, public health, food science and technology gathered in Rome from 19-26 October 1993 to consider the latest scientific evidence about dietary fats...


The One to Watch - Radio, New ICTs and Interactivity

This book grew out of a FAO workshop organised in February 2001 entitled Information and Communication Technologies Servicing Rural Radio: New Contents, New Partnerships. It focuses on the use of the Internet by radio stations in their efforts to support initiatives for democratic and sustainable...
