Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Reports and briefs

How Access to Energy Can Influence Food Losses

The report begins by reviewing the evidence to date focussing on the magnitude and geographical distribution of food losses. In the next sections the role of energy in post-harvest losses is discussed. Thereafter, the main entry points within the food value chain where lack of access to energy is...

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Reports and briefs

Wholesome Nutrition: an example for a sustainable diet

by Karl von Koerber, Nadine Bader and Claus Leitzmann Working Group Sustainable Nutrition, Mutter-Teresa-Strasse 20, 81829 Munich, Germany Institute of Nutritional Sciences, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany 'Wholesome Nutrition' is a concept of sustainable nutrition that was developed at...

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Reports and briefs

Obstacles to the Success of a Policy

Two Important Obstacles to the Success of a Policy ( by Lal Manavado, University of Oslo, Norway ) Other things being equal, a government’s success in achieving an objective depends on the internal harmony among the components of the policy it implements to attain it, and the inter-policy harmony...

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Trainings, tools and databases

Food Based Dietary Guidelines

FAO’s Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs) website aims to serve as a repository for government-endorsed FBDGs and associated information, presented in an organized and homogenous format. It also functions as a platform for relevant resources that touch on the design, implementation and evaluation...

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Trainings, tools and databases

Designing nutrition-sensitive agriculture investments

This manual is designed guide programme planners in the design of nutrition-sensitive programmes. It is based on a thorough review of experience on nutrition-sensitive Agriculture, was developed through extensive consultation within FAO and with its development partners, and has been field-tested in...

Trainings, tools and databases

Pulses for weight management

Nutrition guide to highlight the weight-loss benefits of eating pulses. Written by leading nutritionist Leslie Beck and referencing research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

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Summaries of consultations

Summary of "Are there any successful policies and programmes to fight overweight and obesity?"

This document summarizes the online discussion Are there any successful policies and programmes to fight overweight and obesity? which was held on FAO’s Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 14 June to 7 July 2016. The discussion was facilitated by Francisca Silva Torrealba...

Summaries of consultations

Summary of "Transforming gender relations in agriculture through women’s empowerment: benefits, challenges and trade-offs for improving nutrition outcomes"

This document summarizes the online discussion Transforming gender relations in agriculture through women’s empowerment: benefits, challenges and trade-offs for improving nutrition outcomes, held on FAO’s Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 26 June to 15 July 2016, and...