Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Trainings, tools and databases

Food Security Communications Toolkit from FAO

An old saying goes, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it, that matters.” Indeed, food security professionals increasingly realize that they must communicate their knowledge strategically for their work to have maximum impact. A comprehensive food security communications toolkit from FAO will...

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Reports and briefs

Welfare impacts of maize–pigeonpea intensification in Tanzania

This article examines the driving forces behind farmers’ decisions to adopt improved pigeonpea and maize and estimates the causal impact of technology adoption on household welfare using data obtained from a random cross-section sample of 613 small-scale farmers in Tanzania. We use seemingly...

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Reports and briefs

How to end hunger in times of crises. Let's start now!

The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) organized a seminar on a recently published book entitled: How to end hunger in times of crises. Let's start now! We invited FSN Forum members in Rome and interested FAO staff to join a discussion with the two authors, Andrew MacMillan and...

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Trainings, tools and databases

E-learning Course: Introduction to Social Safety Nets

The course provides an overview of Social Safety Net programmes and systems and how they are used and customized according to different contexts. It also introduces the key processes for designing and implementing Social Safety Net programmes

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