全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



        2023年,全球性世界粮食论坛(WFF的主旨将是农业粮食体系转型加速气候行动,且此后在世界粮食论坛主要活动框架下举办的第二届粮农组织科学与创新论坛 则将聚焦科学与创新推动气候行动。粮农组织科学与创新论坛将于20231016-20日以在粮农组织罗马总部和通过数字化平台的混合模式召开。





请使 提交表格 分享你的实例和经验




  • 对气候行动的聚焦。
  • 对农业粮食体系的影响/相关性。
  • 平等: 个案研究阐发有关发挥小规模生产者、家庭农户、原住民、妇女、青年、消费者和农业粮食体系中代表性不足的其他主体的作用的程度。
  • 攻坚克难: 个案研究阐述有关如何应对差距、障碍和其他不利条件(社会、经济、政治等)的(正面和负面)经验教训的程度。
  • 创新性: 个案研究阐述所采取的方法中某变化要素的程度。



本意见征集截至 2023 6 23 日。

您可以在此頁面下載完整的申請表。 如需上傳或上傳提交表格的技術支持,請發送電子郵件至[email protected]



Mona Chaya博士, 粮农组织首席科学家办公室特别顾问

Preet Lidder博士,粮农组织首席科学家办公室技术顾问




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Dr Willy Mulimbi

University of Arkansas
United States of America

Dear Dr. Chaya and Dr. Lidder,

I hope this finds you well.

Find here attached my submission for the call for case studies in subject. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

With kind regards,

Willy Mulimbi, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow – Rice Research

Dept. of Agricultural Economics and AgriBusiness

University of Arkansas

Niccolò BASSAN


Dear colleagues,

Hope this email finds you well. Please find attached the proposal “Harnessing Ocean Science and Innovation for Climate-Resilient Agrifood Systems: the UN Ocean Decade and the Vision 2030 process” for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023.

Please feel free to reach out for any questions and looking forward in receiving notification of receipt.

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards

Niccolò BASSAN

Science Officer 

Marine Policy and Regional Coordination Section

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission  

UNESCO, France



To: FAO Chief Scientist Office, FAO Headquarters, Rome

Dear Madam/Sir,

Please find attached the proposal titled: An innovative "Convergence Model" leveraging climate resilient crops to promote sustainable nutri-sensitive local food systems involving local community-school feeding programs.

This is being submitted, in response to the Call on "Case studies of agrifood system technologies and innovations for climate action: Call for proposals for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023" on behalf of International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India.

Request you to kindly acknowledge the receipt of the proposal.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Dr. Saikat Datta Mazumdar

Principal Scientist [Cluster Leader Nutrition, Dietary Behaviour and Smart Food

and Chief Operating Officer

NutriPlus Knowledge (NPK) Program

Agribusiness and Innovation Platform (AIP)]

Global Research Program on Enabling Systems Transformation

Dear FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023 Review Committee,

On behalf of the GIZ - India, I am pleased to submit the case study “Remote sensing & GIS based planning of Natural Farming for agroecological transformation at the landscape level – ePrakriti (‘Prakriti’ means nature in Hindi)” for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum.

Thank you for your consideration.

Warm Regards,

Mohit Gupta

Elisabeta Lika

University of Saskatchewan

Dear FSN moderator,

I trust this message finds you well.

I am writing on behalf of our team to submit a case study entitled “Transforming agri-food systems through innovative nutrient application: A case study from Saskatchewan, Canada”.

We demonstrate how efficient fertilizer use can help transform agri-food systems and contribute to climate action by reducing emissions associated with fertilizer application.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you required additional information or have any questions regarding our submission.

Thank you for considering our application.

Best Regards,

Elisabeta Lika

Dear Sir/Madam,

Enclosed you will find our submission for a case study from the sahel region of Cameroon, titled: “Social learning at the heart of climate action for agriculture: Increasing the resilience of dryland small scale farmers through the use of climate-smart practices and technologies”.

With kind regards,



Dear moderator, 

Please find the attached proposal entitled "Actionable knowledge sharing for the climate change adaptation strategies in cotton wheat cropping system Punjab, Pakistan: Implications of science-policy models for Climate change challenges" for your kind consideration. 

Please send the acknowledgement email of submission of proposal. 

Best Regards, 

Dr. Javaria Nasir 


Institute of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Agriculture
