G77 & China - Rome Chapter

The first G77 & China Plenary Meeting under Indonesia's Chairship

Rome Italy 26/06/2020

On 26 June 2020, Ambassador Esti Andayani chaired the first plenary meeting of G77 & China - Rome Chapter under current Indonesia's chairship. The meeting discussed at length current issues for the Rome-based Agencies, such as the preparation for the upcoming 164th Session of the FAO Council, the Annual WFP Executive Board Session, and the Reconvened Second Session of the IFAD 12th Replenishment.

The meeting also explored ways for the Rome Chapter to give a coordinated response to the impact of COVID-19 on developing countries' food systems and food security.

It was envisaged that the Chapter should contribute to fulfilling the common interests of the Global South.


By Ms Run LIN ([email protected])