G77 & China - Rome Chapter

G77 Chairmanship Handover Ceremony 26 January 2011


After the regular plenary meeting of the G77 on 26th of January 2011, the handover ceremony was held in a jubilant and warm manner in FAO  headquarters to transfere the chairmanship of G77 from the outgoing chairperson Mr Ibrahim Abu Atileh, Deputy Permanent Representative of Jordan, to H.E Hassan Abouyoub, Permanent Representative of Morocco.

Mr. Abu Atileh delivered a warm speech underlining that the spirit of cooperation and solidarity amongst the Group through his chairmanship in 2010 has helped the G77 in consolidating its ranks and defending its common strategic interests. He extended his heartiest congratulations to the delegation of Morocco who will Chair the G77 for 2011. He also commended the work done by the Secretariat of the G77 and the G77 Consultants for their continued valuable support, dedication and commitment to the work of the G77.

The incoming Chairperson, H.E Hassan Abouyoub, extended his thanks to all the members of the Group for the trust they placed in Morocco to Chair the G77 for 2011. He then commended the remarkable work done by the outgoing Chair, with skill, competence and devotion. He underlined that 2011 will be a difficult year considering the world wide economic situation, and stressed that the Group should keep in mind natural catastrophes which will have an impact on world food supply. He stressed that he will listen to the G77 members proposals to take inspiration for encountering all matters in the coming year.

Speeches given at the ceremony can be found under Resources.