G77 & China - Rome Chapter

Note Verbale on behalf of the Group of 77 and China to the Permanent Representation of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela


.E. Ambassador Elias Ejuri Abraham, Permanent Representant of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to FAO, took the Chairmanship of the G77+China for this year 2017 during the past month of January.

Eljuri Abraham is an expert in statistics; he has graduated from the “Universidad Central de Venezuela”, and has complete a Master Degree in Social Statistics in the Southampton University, England.  On his academic experience, he has been nominated as Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, from 1987 to 1992 (Caracas, Venezuela).  Also from 1992 to 1996, he was the Administrative Vice-Rector of the “Universidad Central de Venezuela”.  From 2000 to 2003, he was National Intendant of The Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration of Venezuela (SENIAT).  Furthermore, he has been nominated by President Chavez as Director of the National Institute of Statistic (INE) from 2003 to 2015, to finally been nominated by President Maduro in 2015 until the moment as Permanent Representant of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to FAO and the other UN Agencies based in Rome.

The Ambassador Eljuri has been unanimously choose as candidate for the Presidency of the Group by the GRULAC.  Eljuri Abraham is thrilled and honor to accomplish the responsibility of the Chairmanship of the G77+China, and confirms once again his commitment to the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition with special attention to the South of the world.

He is looking forward a year of Chairmanship very much inclusive, were all Regions and members will communicate his interests and worries, and where the working plan is going to be built upon the majorities preoccupations.

The Ambassador Eljuri would like to thank the Group for its warm welcome and want you to know that he is looking forward to start working together for this beautiful and important Group, which is the G77 and China.