G77 & China - Rome Chapter

High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy 3 - 5 June 2008

HLC/08/INF/1 Soaring food prices: the need for international action HLC/08/INF/2 Climate change adaptation and mitigation: challenges and opportunities for food security HLC/08/INF/3 Food Security and bioenergy: towards an international framework HLC/08/INF/4 Financial mechanisms and investment requirements for climate change adaptation and mitigation HLC/08/INF/5 Climate change, bioenergy and food security: options for decision-makers identified by expert meetings HLC/08/INF/6 Climate change, bioenergy and food security: civil society and private sector perspectives HLC/08/INF/7 Climate-related Transboundary Pests and Diseases Background Documents HLC/08/BAK/1 Climate change Adaptation and Mitigation in the Food and Agriculture Sector HLC/08/BAK/2   Climate change Water and Food Security HLC/08/BAK/3 Climate change and Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture HLC/08/BAK/5 Climate change and disaster risk management HLC/08/BAK/6 Climate change and Fisheries and Aquaculture HLC/08/BAK/7 Bioenergy policy, markets and trade and food security