Past News

The fourth issue features a message from the GACSA Co-Chairs, launch of the climate-smart story project, analysis of the COP22, a call for climate-smart mission statements, and much, much more. Read all the happenings from around the GACSA-world and stay up-to-date on coming events.
Dear Members of the Alliance, With the end of 2016 and a fresh year ahead of us, we wish to thank you all for your continued and active engagement in GACSA, both collectively and individually. We have much to celebrate in the second year of the Alliance, where GACSA has...
We wish to give a special thanks to all the eight members of the Facilitation Unit for the individual and collective contribution to GACSA’s achievements, often in challenging times since the inception of the Alliance. Financial constraints prompted the Strategic Committee, at its last October meeting, to streamline the Facilitation...
The Climate-Smart Story Project connects UC Davis research to the stories of farmers and ranchers tackling climate change in our food systems.
GACSA continues to grow and we are now 155 members strong! The Membership Engagement Team is currently working to build a comprehensive data base of GACSA members. While we have contact information and links to most members, we are lacking the Mission Statements of many entities that have joined the...
The third issue features GACSA's participation at COP22, developments from the 5th Strategic Committee Meeting, upcoming events, calls and new resources as well as a look at the Forest, Agriculture and Climate Change Workshop in Wageningen (Netherlands).
GACSA's Full COP22 Report Summary of Activities  Represented at COP22 by the two Co-Chairs and the Coordinator of the Facilitation Unit (FU), GACSA actively engaged various stakeholders at COP22 to continue to position climate-smart agriculture as a critical approach in providing climate solutions and addressing the triple win (enhanced productivity, adaptation and...
The major developments of the GACSA Strategic Committee (SC) meeting are the endorsement of the report of the ad-hoc finance team, the development of the overall GACSA Program of Work: 2016-2017, the mainstreaming of gender across GACSA and specifically within the Enabling Environment Action Group, and the reconstitution of the...
During the bilateral meeting, farmers recognized the critical role of climate-smart agriculture (CSA). “CSA requires a paradigm shift for farmers.
The second issue features GACSA Members involvement in CFS and COP22, new resources, name change to CSA online community as well as a visit to Koppert Biological Systems HQ to discuss the company's mission and work on CSA.    