As of February 2016, one quarter of GACSA has completed the ongoing member survey and based on the results, GACSA members are working in more than 60 countries, on 6 continents.

Since the GACSA Member Survey went live in December 2015, a little over one quarter of our Alliance has completed the online form. What is so amazing about the response is that we have learned that even with a relatively small slice of the Alliance represented, we can see that work is being down all over the world. Check out the map that was generated from the responses. Based on just responses from the survey, GACSA members are working in more than 60 countries, on 6 continents.


Help us make the next map we produce truly representative of 100% of the Alliance. We would like all members to complete the survey, therefore we are extending the requested response date. Please respond to the survey as soon as possible. We want to know all about our members’ CSA work and CSA goals, so that the Alliance can facilitate efficient and effective CSA learning and sharing across the world. This survey is important because it will not only give us an understanding of our members’ activities and goals, it will be the beginning of a GACSA database of CSA work, solutions, and goals. When finished this database will be able to be searched to seek out actions, solutions, and potentially target new partners based upon their own submissions.

Completing the GACSA Member Survey will help build an up-to-date picture of our Alliance. It is our hope that members’ submissions can be highlighted at the GACSA Annual Forum, April 27th-29th. The survey can be found here. If you would like a hard copy of the survey, the Facilitation Unit can provide a copy in a word document format.

For any questions about the GACSA Member Survey, please contact Kyle Poorman at [email protected]. We thank you for all your time and effort. 

