Towards a Regional Strategy on Climate Adapted Sustainable Agriculture for Central America and the Dominican Republic

Following the Declaration of Eight Ministers of Agriculture at GLF 2015 during COP21, to Promote CSA across Central America and the Caribbean, a regional process has been engaged to develop a Strategy on Climate Adapted Sustainable Agriculture for Central America and the Dominican Republic (Estrategia Regional sobre Agricultura Sostenible Adaptada al Clima – ERASAC).

The main steps developed so far in this process, and the associated information (in Spanish), are given herein after:

  1. Workshop on the Guidelines to the Development of the Regional Strategy for Climate-Adapted Sustainable Agriculture for Central America and the Dominican Republic (8-9 Dec. 2016, San José, Costa Rica). This workshop gathered te representatives of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panamá and the Domiinican Republic, as part of the Central American Agricultural Council (CAC - Consejo Agropecuario Centroamericano). For more information: 
    1. Primeros pasos en la construcción de la Estrategia ASAC para Centroamérica y República Dominicana
  1. Second Workshop to the Development of the Regional Strategy for Climate-Adapted Sustainable Agriculture for Central America and the Dominican Republic (15-17 Feb. 2017, San José, Costa Rica). For more information:
    1. Segundo taller de construcción de la Estrategia ASAC para Centroamérica y la República Dominicana
    2. Participe en la construcción de la estrategia regional de ASAC para Centroamérica y República Dominicana
