Regional Workshop on “Effective Climate-Information Services for Agriculture”, organized by ASEAN-CRN in Cebu, Philippines (21-23 March 2017)

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The ASEAN Member States (AMS) have identified Climate Information Services (CIS) for agriculture as a priority practice for collaboration and scaling-up in their efforts to promote climate resilience in agriculture in ASEAN. In that respect, the ASEAN-Climate Resilience Network (ASEAN-CRN) has organized a regional workshop on “Effective Climate-Information Services for Agriculture in ASEAN” in Cebu, Philippines, on 21-23 March 2017. The objective was to generate actionable learnings and collaboration which participants can use to promote the effective provision of CIS for agriculture in ASEAN.

For more information on the content of the workshop follow this link.

For more information on the outcomes of the workshop.

Additional resources: “Vietnam gears up for expanding their agricultural insurance program”


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