Annual Forum – Climate Smart-Agriculture Innovator’s Pitch

You are invited to pitch your innovative idea (product, initiative, partnership) on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in a 2 minute video outlining how it will help develop sustainable agriculture in the face of climate change and contribute to improved food security and nutrition. The idea may still be in development or ‘under construction’.

Three (3) innovators will be selected to deliver their pitch on stage, in person, to a multistakeholder panel comprised of inspiring individuals and a broad audience working at the interface between agriculture and climate change, during a 90-minute session during the Annual Forum of the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA). The pitchers have the opportunity to put the spotlight on their idea, attract interest and will receive straightforward feedback from the panel on their idea in terms of investment, partnering or further development. They will have the possibility to establish contacts with a network of actors engaged in CSA.

The objective of the session is to promote innovations, facilitate scaling-up of CSA initiatives through feedback and identification of opportunities for partnerships with key stakeholders. All appropriate videos will be featured on the Annual Forum page of the GACSA website. The session is based on the ‘Dragons’ Den’ set-up: pitch – interrogation – conclusion from the panel which would then ‘step in’, provide feedback on the idea and give advice. (https://

How can you participate?

• Upload your 2-minute video to YouTube, inserting in the title “GACSA Innovators’ Pitch” by May 6th, 2017.

• Choose the video private settings to make it a private video,find out more at

• Complete the following online form The form will ask a number of biographical questions, provide a place to insert the link to your video, and provides you a voluntary opportunity to tell us more about your innovation.

• By inserting the link in the form, you confirm that the video does not contain any unsuitable or copyrighted material and may be published on the GACSA website.

• In addition to the video, you may provide further information on your innovation in the online form. If you decide to provide further information, please be succinct.

• Three innovators will be selected to deliver their pitch in person to a panel, and will be notified in the second half of May.


Guidelines for Video Submissions

• The submission must not include images that are copyrighted, obscene, pornographic or libelous. One entry per person only.

You should introduce yourself and outline your idea: what is innovative about it, who are your target beneficiaries, what would you potentially need from the different (one or two) stakeholders to be successful? Market your idea and make it smart! Tell us how your idea brings new solutions and fresh perspectives based on the guiding questions below. Two minutes may seem short, but you’ll be surprised how much ground you can effectively cover.

Guiding questions

• Innovation (25%) – What is innovative about your idea? How is it changing the status quo?

• Relevance to climate-smart agriculture (25%) - To what extent does it relate to the three pillars of climate-smart agriculture: sustainable improvements in productivity, building resilience, and reducing and removing greenhouse gases.

• Results/impact on the ground (20%) - What is the impact that your idea will have on local/regional/global community? Is the idea scalable and viable? How does it address gender and youth?

• Partnerships (20%) - What do you need/expect from potential partners? Are you targeting any particular stakeholder?

• Clarity (10%) - How clearly do you get your message across?


• Call for videos is published and disseminated:13 April 2016

• Deadline for video submission: 6 May 2016

• Three selected innovators are contacted: 20 May 2016

• Event at GASCA Annual Forum: 16 June 2016, 14.00 - 15.30, FAO, Rome, Italy

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Do I have to have specific education or experience in a certain area in order to propose an idea? No.

2) Who owns my idea/project/video? You maintain ownership of your idea and only grant GACSA the right to feature your film on the Annual Forum page of the GACSA website.

3) What is the selection process? Innovators will be selected based on the guiding questions, with consideration for gender balance, youth and regional diversity.

4) What if I don’t have an idea in mind, is there a way for me to participate? Yes, you can support those that have entered by liking, commenting, and sharing on each of the projects on the GACSA website.


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