Lots of GACSA events happening in May and June! Stay tuned!

Mark your calendars! GACSA will be at these events: WFO General Assembly, Climate Action Summit, Adaptation Futures Conference & the SBSTA 44. We are also holding a bunch of other events between May and June: 8 webinars, GACSA Strategic Committee Meeting, an information session with the Permanent Representatives of FAO members, and the GACSA Annual Forum.

We kicked off our events tour on May 4th with the World Farmers’ Organisation General Assembly 2016  in Livingstone in Zambia, where GACSA’s Facilitation Unit Coordinator spoke at the following sessions:

- "Farmers as agents of solution to the climate change"

-  ''Strengthening farmers’ involvement in global policy dialogue on agriculture''.

On May 5th, We are launching the GACSA Climate Smart-Agriculture webinar series. The series is designed to share the knowledge gained over the last year, and is focused on highlighting the development and testing of climate-smart techniques in various contexts.

On May 6, we will be hosting a side event to introduce GACSA and its Action Groups to the participants of the Climate Action 2016 Summit in Washington DC, US. The presenters are the following GACSA members: Marc Sadler: Adviser - Risk & Markets, Global Lead - Climate Smart Agriculture, World Bank; Alain Vidal: Director of Strategic Partnerships, CGIAR Consortium; Caitrin Martin: U.S. Department of Agriculture; Ernie Shea: Coordinator, North American CSA Alliance. 

On May 9, the GACSA Strategic Committee (SC) is meeting in Rotterdam, Netherlands. It will be held  on the margins of the Adaptation Futures conference. Members will take note of the preparations for Annual Forum, review the GACSA 2016/17 work plan and budget, and examine the Alliance’s communication strategy. The meeting will be opened by Dg Hoogeveen - Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs. From May 10-12, GACSA will be present at a booth during the Adaptation Expo Exhibitors .

At the forty-fourth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 44) part of the Bonn Climate Change Conference, GACSA will host a side event on May 21st to showcase the results of the work of the different Action Groups. Speakers include members of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), the UK Department for International Development (DFID), National Council for Climate Change Sustainable Development and Public Leadership (NCCSD).

On May 26, the Co-Chairs of the GACSA Strategic Committee, Inge Rydland and Martin Bwalya, will host an informal consultation with the Permanent Representatives of FAO Members at FAO headquarters. Bearing in mind the inclusion of agriculture in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of many countries, the informal consultation will provide an opportunity to get a better appreciation of key issues, both at the country and global levels.

And our big event:  GACSA’s Annual Forum will be held from June 14 to June 17 in Rome. 


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