Towards a Regional Strategy on Climate Adapted Sustainable Agriculture for Central America and the Dominican Republic: Focus on some key steps and achievements

Following the Declaration of Eight Ministers of Agriculture at GLF 2015 during COP21, to Promote CSA across Central America and the Caribbean, a regional process has been engaged to develop a Strategy on Climate Adapted Sustainable Agriculture for Central America and the Dominican Republic (Estrategia Regional sobre Agricultura Sostenible Adaptada al Clima – ERASAC).

The main steps developed so far in this process, and the associated information (in Spanish), are given hereinafter:

 Workshop on the Guidelines to the Development of the Regional Strategy for Climate-Adapted Sustainable Agriculture for Central America and the Dominican Republic (8-9 Dec. 2016, San José, Costa Rica). This workshop gathered te representatives of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panamá and the Domiinican Republic, as part of the Central American Agricultural Council (CAC - Consejo Agropecuario Centroamericano). For more information: 

Second Workshop to the Development of the Regional Strategy for Climate-Adapted Sustainable Agriculture for Central America and the Dominican Republic (15-17 Feb. 2017, San José, Costa Rica). For more information:

