FAO in the Gambia

Promoting community initiative for optimal health and nutrition

Demba Bah posing for a photo with the gardening tools bought by his community, ©FAO

12 April 2019, Banjul - The community of Kerr Ali Hawa in Jokadu District, North Bank Region have set out to consolidate the gains made by the EU funded by the Post-Crisis Response to Food and Nutrition Insecurity in The Gambia project in the community.

In an interview with journalists, Demba Bah, FFS facilitator explained that the project has made a huge impact on lives and livelihoods in this community. It has enhanced social cohesion and youth participation in farming. Through the FFS approach, farmers’ knowledge on good farming practices and nutrition has also been enhanced resulting to increased food security and nutrition and household incomes.

He said, “The groundnut field cultivated by our FFS produced 22bags. We sold 20 bags and bought barbed wire and iron bars, hoes, spades and watering cans to establish a small community garden to enable us produce adequate vegetables for households consumption and to sell the surplus to supplement our income.

“Despite the erratic rains experienced in 2018, my produce and income had increased significantly thanks to the inputs and technical support I received through this project.  My produce will sustain my household of 12 for more than 12 months. In recent years, my produce only feed us for not more that six months”.