FAO in the Gambia

FAO donates PPEs and Rapid Test Kits to DLS

FAO donates PPES and Rapid Test Kits to DLS

A press release by the Ministry of Agriculture on 06 April 2023 confirmed the presence of the High Pathogenic Avian influenza (HPAI) Type H5N1 among wild birds in The Gambia.

Several wild birds were found dead at the Tanji Bird Reserve and at Kartong Beach around 30 kilometers from the capital Banjul.  The Department of Livestock Services of the Ministry of Agriculture collected samples from among the dead for laboratory analysis. The sample tested positive for HPAI Type H5N1.

In aid of government’s continuous efforts to contain the deadly disease, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) donated essential Personal Protective Equipment, Rapid Test Kits and Reagents to the Department of Livestock Services (DLS) on Wednesday, 24May 2023.

The material is from an FAO HQ stockpile awaiting emergencies for rapid deployment. The material donated has an estimated value of around 30 000 US Dollars. The equipment (PPEs) is meant to protect frontline workers and the laboratory staff from contracting the disease, whilst the Rapid Test Kits will allow the field staff and front line workers to instantly collect samples from the field.

Dr. Mustapha Ceesay confirmed that ‘FAO heeded the call from the Ministry to provide support to contain avian influenza and protect  the poultry value chain, wildlife  as well as  agrifood systems’

Mme. Fatoumatta Jammeh Touray, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture received  the items, she summed up the donation as “Quite invaluable and timely.”

In addition to the donation FAO is supporting The Gambia  through a regional  Avian Influenza Technical Cooperation Programme to build capacities of personnel to  detect and response to avian influenza and other transboundary livestock diseases.