FAO in the Gambia


A group photo at the CPF Session

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) successfully convened a dynamic two-day Country Programming Framework (CPF) Planning Session from Tuesday 18 July  to Wednesday, 19 July 2023. This collaborative gathering, involving key actors, stakeholders and implementing partners, aimed to evaluate the outcomes of the current CPF and chart a roadmap for the next  cycle (2024-2028).

Participants included  officials from the Ministries of Agriculture;  Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters and  Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources . They  joined forces with regional  and authorities, the United Nations Country Team, non-state actors, civil society, and other partners to lend their expertise and guide the development and implementation of the CPF.

FAO Country Representative, Moshibudi Rampedi, expressed, "We look forward to your assistance in defining inter-disciplinary, issue-based targets and indicators. FAO will leverage accelerators like technology, innovation, and data, as well as governance, human capital, and institutions to accelerate progress towards  achieving Agenda 2030 objectives."

Abdoulie Badjie, speaking on behalf of the UN Resident Coordinator, praised FAO's significant contributions to The Gambia specifically in the areas of human capital development, sustainable agriculture  and natural resource management  through the CPF.  


Sariyang Jobarteh from the Ministry of Agriculture speaking on behalf of the Government anticipated  the event as an opportunity for “Participants to exchange best practices, address challenges, devise solutions, and consolidate gains from the current CPF.”

The session featured presentations from various institutions, with FAO leading the way to showcase outcomes and results of the current CPF. On the  second day participants elaborated  on the Gambia’s Green Recovery Focused National Development Plan, FAO’s Strategic Objectives and the UN’s Cooperation Framework to guide the formulation of the new FAO Gambia’s CPF.

The CPF remains a vital tool  guiding FAO's support and partnership with The Gambia.