FAO in the Gambia

FAO inspires hope for better rice production

National Rice Forum and Policy Dialogue Group Photo

In a significant gathering of the National Rice Forum and Policy Dialogue from 01 to 02 September 2023, Moshibudi Rampedi, FAO Representative passionately painted a picture of rice's significance in The Gambia and the pressing need to boost local production. Ms. Rampedi's message was clear: collective action is necessary to achieve food and nutrition security.


"We need drivers for change, collective actions, better sectoral governance, and effective engagement of all actors in the rice value chain." She stated.


Rice, an integral part of Gambian cuisine thrives in the nation's fertile soils and the abundance of the river Gambia. However, over the years production levels are lower than they used to be making Gambia increasingly dependent on imports to meet growing national demands.


Ms. Rampedi emphasized the importance of the rice commodity in her remarks to the National Rice Forum and Policy Dialogue, she stated that “Rice is more than just a crop; it is a staple food with an annual per capita consumption estimated at 117 kg or 320g daily per person, we must do more to meet our nation's food and nutrition requirements". Hence a need to ensure that available arable land is nurtured to boost productivity.


FAO   stated recommendations that may unlock The Gambia's rice self-sufficiency potential:


"The private sector must become a driving force in the rice value chain. We need quality investments, and government incentives should pave the way for responsible investment. This is not just about food and nutrition security; it's about gender equality, youth empowerment, land tenure rights, and sustainable natural resources use in the face of the pressing need to address climate change adaptation and mitigation.


Confirming the government's dedication and commitment, Honourable Baboucarr Buoy, Minister of Public Services officiated the Forum on behalf of His Excellency President Adama Barrow, he highlighted that the Government of the Gambia is unwavering in her pledge to achieve rice self-sufficiency.


Honourable Dr Demba Sabally, Minister for Agriculture underlined the historical importance and rice's paramount role in The Gambia, stating, "Rice is the cornerstone of our cuisine. Our quest for self-sufficiency in rice is unshakable, the government is going the extra mile to ensure affordable rice for all."


As the nation charted its course through the National Rice Forum and Policy Dialogue, FAO is ready to support the Government of the Gambia’s aspiration and commitment to improve rice production, engage all partners, support key institutions, create an enabling environment for farmers and the private sector, empower its women and youth as well as reducing dependency on rice importation.  No one should be left behind noting Agenda 2030 commitments.