FAO in the Gambia
Sare Birom, a remote community in Niumi North Bank Region practices rainfed crop farming. Like other hard-to-reach rural communities, Sare Birom is also bereft of basic but essential services making it difficult for the inhabitants to have improved living conditions during the dry season. However, in search of means of...
  Months after introducing the Event Mobile Application (EMA-i) Tool supported by the United Kingdom’s Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Project and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the veterinary community in The Gambia is experiencing substantial improvements in animal health surveillance and disease...
The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)’s Project team from the United Kingdom recently concluded a productive three-day monitoring visit to The Gambia in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The visit, aimed at evaluating ongoing projects and identifying areas for further...
In Nyakoi Kerewan, the FAO's Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change Project (AACCP) has revolutionised agricultural practices, enabling the community to generate substantial profits through year-round farming, ensuring long-term sustainability, and improving the quality of life for its residents. By introducing solar powered irrigation system and diversified agricultural practices, the project...
In Nyakoi Kerewan, the FAO's Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change Project (AACCP) has revolutionised agricultural practices, enabling the community to generate substantial profits through year-round farming, ensuring long-term sustainability, and improving the quality of life for its residents. By introducing solar powered irrigation system and diversified agricultural practices, the project...
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