FAO in the Gambia
 In the Kerewan Nyakoi locality within the Upper River Region North, a strategic initiative of the Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change project (AACCP), breathed new life into the community garden.  Few years after the comprehensive augmentation of the garden's agro-infrastructure with a borehole and an intricate reticulation system to ensure ceaseless...
In a dynamic gathering that brought together diverse stakeholders and actors, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in The Gambia recently concluded its highly anticipated two-day 2023 Country Programming Framework (CPF) Session. This collaborative event, attended by esteemed representatives from government ministries, partner institutions, and regional...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) successfully convened a dynamic two-day Country Programming Framework (CPF) Planning Session from Tuesday 18 July  to Wednesday, 19 July 2023. This collaborative gathering, involving key actors, stakeholders and implementing partners, aimed to evaluate the outcomes of the current CPF and...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) successfully convened a dynamic two-day Country Programming Framework (CPF) Planning Session from Tuesday 18 July  to Wednesday, 19 July 2023. This collaborative gathering, involving key actors, stakeholders and implementing partners, aimed to evaluate the outcomes of the current CPF and...
Small ruminants are the primary livestock of many low-income, food-deficit households. Sheep and goats play a significant role in poor rural farmers’ food security and livelihoods as well as in our national economy and wellbeing of the 1.9 Gambians. Sheep and goat farmers in The Gambia are grappling with the deadly...