FAO in the Gambia
An adept young village farmer in Njau village, CRR, is making amends for the mistakes that ruined his plans of having a good harvest during last year’s rainy season.    Dawda Bah, does not always follow early annual warnings by meteorologists, to cultivate his five hectare groundnut farm after the first rains, ...
In response to the call to reduce the annual losses in domestic poultry production from the Newcastle Disease (NCD), FAO, through the  Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in The Gambia Project (AACCP) in collaboration with the Directorate of Livestock Services (DLS) supported  vaccination of domestic poultry against this deadly disease...
In a move to aid farmers with early warning information to enhance decision-making on best timing to grow crops and increase agricultural productivity in the upcoming rainy season, officials of the Department of Water Resources with the support from FAO kicked-off a nationwide dissemination of the 2023 Seasonal Outlook for...
A press release by the Ministry of Agriculture on 06 April 2023 confirmed the presence of the High Pathogenic Avian influenza (HPAI) Type H5N1 among wild birds in The Gambia. Several wild birds were found dead at the Tanji Bird Reserve and at Kartong Beach around 30 kilometers from the capital...
FAO remains committed to supporting the Government of the Gambia to built resilient and transformative food systems. Dr. Mustapha Ceesay of FAO   called for the need to strengthen Climate Change Services and Early Warning Systems for climate adaptation and resilient building on the occasion of the Ministry of Fisheries, Water...