FAO in the Gambia
10 August 2021, Rome – The Director of FAO’s South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division, Mr. Ye Anping, today met virtually with the Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of the Gambia, Ms. Amie Fabureh. The meeting was a follow-up to a previous bi-lateral encounter between the Minister and the FAO Director-General,...
Empowering rural women to participate in the agribusiness value chain   31 July 2021, Banjul – The Gambia produces about ten percent of the poultry meat and eggs consumed by its estimated population of 2.2 million people. In 2019, the country produced about 160 metric tonnes of poultry meat and 10.8 metric...
27 July 2021, Rome - The FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu today met with Amie Fabureh Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of the Gambia. The Minister and the Director-General shared views on the agriculture sector of the Gambia and discussed ways in which FAO could support the country become more self-sufficient in...
Promoting the development of the first ever dietary guidelines for The Gambia     14 July 2021, Banjul – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on 14 July presented two laptop computers, two printers and two android tablets to the Directorate of Health Promotion and Education (DHPE) under the...
The Gambian Government and FAO call for collective actions for a healthier Gambia   7 July 2021, Banjul – The fight against the high rate of hidden hunger (micronutrients deficiencies) in The Gambia received a huge boost on 7 July with the launch of Food Fortification Regulations targeting three highly consumed foods...