FAO in the Gambia
‘FAO values the empowerment of youth’  – Moshibudi Rampedi 25 May 2021, Banjul – More than 40% of youths in The Gambia remain unemployed. Of those that are employed, a significant number are working under challenging  conditions with low wages that may not guarantee sustainable livelihoods and a prosperous future. These,...
  “We are grateful to the Government and partners (FAO, EU and GEF) for this lives changing interventions” - Beneficiaries   28 April 2021, Banjul – In The Gambia, horticulture has always been an important direct source of food and income for many people especially the food insecure and vulnerable. The sub-sector employs...
Agriculture personnel trained will use data collected by drones for risk assessment and agro-climatic monitoring of food security 16 APRIL 2021, Banjul – Infertile soils, high prevalence of crops diseases and pests amidst weak research, plant protection and extension services, as well as climate change impacts, remain major contributing factors to...
Communities are supported to reduce food losses, improve incomes and food security 30 March 2021, Banjul – More than 200 fish smokers, most of them women, in the coastal town of Gunjur in Kombo South District, West Coast Region, rely on their fish-smoking skills as a source of income to provide...
"In 2020, FAO spent GMD469.2 Millions towards implementation of the CPF" - Rampedi 30 March 2021, Banjul – The Ministers of Agriculture and the Natural Resources Sectors and FAO have reaffirmed their commitment to deepen collaboration to make agri-food systems more inclusive, productive, resilient, and sustainable, to better lives and sustainable...