FAO in the Gambia
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of The Gambia and the FAO Country Office has issued a joint media statement and a News Release informing on the 16 April 2020 virtual meeting of African Agriculture Ministers and partners on the impact of COVID-19 on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa....
The Department of Forestry has installed 510 beehives within 21Community Managed Forest parks in the North Bank, Lower River, Central and Upper River regions. The initiative is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through the European Union funded regional project “Action Against Desertification” which...
Ministry of Agriculture, FAO and partners validate a five-year National Horticulture strategy 19 February 2020, Banjul – Stakeholders in the agriculture sector validated the National Horticulture Strategy (2020 – 2025) in Kololi on 19 February 2020. The Ministry of Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) jointly...
The pro Vitamin A maize variety (PVA  SYN 13) can now be mass produced anddistributed among farmers 17 January 2020, Banjul— FAO in The Gambia is proud to announce that one of the bio-fortified crops introduced under the National Resources Institute’s (NARI) coordination, Pro Vitamin A Maize (PVA SYN 13),...
 “Mapping of the Human Resources Capacity Gap and Strengthening Capacityof the Ministry of Agriculture” Banjul— Amie Fabureh, Minister of Agriculture, and Moshibudi Rampedi, FAO Representative (FAOR), signed a new Technical Co-operation Programme during a ceremony that took place at the Ministry of Agriculture in Banjul today. “Timely” was the adjective most...