
From plot to plate – a ‘kitchen garden’ story

Research suggests that kitchen gardens can supply up to half of all non-staple food needs, as well as a significant number of vitamins and minerals. This makes them an invaluable tool for food security in vulnerable communities.

In its simplest form, a kitchen garden produces fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs for delicious, healthy meals.


‘Imagine one day you lost everything you owned. Not only that, but you also lost your livelihood, your ability to feed yourself and your family. This is what happened to Shazadi, a Pakistani woman whose home was destroyed in a flood in 2012, along with the crops on four acres of land her husband Abdul Nabi rented for farming. Shazadi and Abdul have eight children, and they were unsure how they were going to provide for them.

Fortunately, Shazadi was one of 2 500 women in the area targeted by FAO for post-flood support through a kitchen gardening programme.

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