
Women farmers and resilience in the face of climate change

8th March is International Women’s day and this year’s theme is “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”. In 2017 we are far from living on ‘planet 50-50’ with women holding less than 20% of the land in all the main developing regions o

Women on average make up 43% of the agricultural labour force in developing countries and account for an estimated two-thirds of the world's 600 million poor livestock keepers (FAOSTAT).


Imagine the scenario, a woman farmer in rural Africa facing drought or changes in rainfall patterns, a disrupted agricultural cycle and the knock-on effects. What would happen if this farmer just continued with their usual agricultural practices because they had no official rights to work on that land into the foreseeable future?  

As climate change becomes a harsh reality in many parts of the world, farmers need to adapt their farming techniques in order to survive. Women farmers are facing obstacles in adapting to climate change. Their rights and access to land, credit, inputs (such as improved seed and fertilizers), agricultural training and other information do not always reflect their vital role as farmers, and often providers of nutrition in the family.

“When farmers were engaged in the climate-smart agriculture pilot project in Tanzania, land tenure was a major issue, particularly for women, even if the land was rented, it was usually rented to men” says FAO's Natural Resources Officer, Janie Rioux, “in addition to this, adoption barriers to certain climate-smart agriculture practices can be higher for women, this is the case with agroforestry, as planting trees can mean marking land boundaries”.

Addressing the gap between male and female landholders through legal and policy frameworks at national level and influencing norms and customs at local level could provide major benefits.  Such benefits would mean increased and sustainable yields – in other words a better food supply for communities and future generations.

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