
Digital education for women’s empowerment

Salwa Nuseir, poultry farmer, Damas village Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt, benefitted greatly from attending the digital skills course organized by Nevin Talaat, the manager of the agricultural extension centre in Damas – 7 August 2022.

©Ahmed El Shimy


Women are key

Women are a key to the transformation of agrifood systems worldwide and to realizing the aspirations set out in the Sustainable Development Goals. Unfortunately, the contributions made by women to agriculture are frequently overlooked and women often miss out on educational opportunities. This is particularly the case for modern digital technologies, which are a growing feature of agrifood systems globally.

A digital skills course for extension agents was organized by the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation and FAO. The course had its origins in FAO’s Digital Village Initiative. The content of the course covered instruction on a range of modern information and communication technologies.