
Ecuador: Gender transformative approaches help reduce inequality gaps in agricultural organizations

A passion for sustainable agriculture brought together rural associations and technicians from government institutions in Guayas and Morona Santiago, with the aim of facilitating transformative processes that promote gender equality in their communities.

©FAO/Andrea Vera


In August 2022, in the framework of the JP GTA, IFAD together with 10 technicians from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Ecuador, the Institute of Popular and Solidarity Economy (IEPS) and the Municipality of Huamboya provided gender capacity strengthening for 33 leaders of rural associations. The learning activity was implemented through a methodology and training process called “Cerrando Brecha” (“Closing the Gap”) and entails that the knowledge gained is replicated in their organizations.

The Cerrando Brecha methodology seeks to identify forms of gender inequity in rural organizations through practical tools that guide reflection and analysis, with the aim of reducing obstacles that limit the ability of men and women to have equal opportunities to improve their lives. Based on their shared tasks, the members agree upon transformative measures and personal development actions to strengthen the economic empowerment of rural women.

For example, José Palma from the parish of General Vernaza in Guayas represents ASODULVA, an association of producers of artisanal jams made from organic fruit. José emphasized the important contribution of the Cerrando Brecha approach to the inclusive development of small farmers associations, and – together with his team – committed to replicate the methodology in their community.

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