
Empowering Ugandan students through school farm camps

FAO and the Gayaza High School in Uganda are working together to develop opportunities for students to learn and acquire agricultural skills while eating healthier and nutritious food.



Through the project, a greenhouse for vegetable production was set up and so far, five tomato harvests were achieved. Moreover, a piggery unit was built which now holds over 50 pigs. The two facilities provide learning opportunities not only for students of the Gayaza High School, but also for neighboring schools.

FAO Country Representative, Alhaji Jallow, assured there is continued support for the initiative: “It is exciting to see young people involved in such an activity because for many years they have looked at agriculture as a job for the uneducated. Supporting youth who appreciate agriculture as a business and means of livelihood is a worthy cause that FAO will continue to be associated with.”

Kakoko Richard, from the Nyakasula school speaks excitedly about his experience: “I took part in the first camp and I was so excited to have my own garden. I love animals so I work with the piggery section of the school farm. We have already sold some of the pigs we started with. We share the profits after sale. My dream is to have a big farm.”

“The camp has taught me many, many things,” says Baguma Richard from the Obote College. “I have learnt modern livestock keeping, testing for pregnancy in cows, integrating different crops on the same plot, utilizing a small piece of land to grow food. And this is only the beginning!”

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