
FAO-CARE partnership paves way for Step-by-Step Guide on gender transformative programming

Grouped under three main themes, the tools and approaches covered staff transformation, community level engagement, and engaging men and boys.

© FAO / Luis Tato


Adopting a gender transformative perspective can assist projects to transform discriminatory norms and power dynamics that reproduce and exacerbate social injustice and gender inequality. This is key in order to achieve a transformational and sustainable positive impact on the lives of women and men, their families and communities.

In the context of the Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition (JP GTA), FAO is working with CARE International to develop guidance on integrating the gender transformative perspective in programming in each phase of the project cycle.

The Step-by-Step Guide will constitute a tool to assist FAO employees – and eventually other development partners – in incorporating a gender transformative perspective in project design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.

As part of the process leading to the finalization of the Guide, FAO and CARE have organized two workshops with select FAO staff. The first, held in February, served to gather feedback and suggestions from FAO’s Gender Team for the advanced draft of the Step-by-Step Guide.

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