
Haiti’s community gardeners enthusiastic about nutrition

Only one unpaved road connects Haiti’s Grand’Anse province – a finger of land jutting from the country’s southwest corner – to the rest of the country. In spite of its remoteness, the population of Grand’Anse has increased by some 120 000 since the devast

Haitian women are using song and theatre to promote healthy eating habits learned in FAO community garden project.


This rapid upsurge in population put serious pressure on the area’s resources and food supply, increasing levels of already chronic malnutrition. To prevent the situation from deteriorating further, FAO and partners launched a project that has improved both nutrition and livelihoods for more than 5 000 of the most vulnerable families in the area. The project has provided women with practical hands-on training in homestead food-production techniques, combined with classes that introduce them to the importance of making pro-nutrition decisions about what they plant and feed to their families.

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