
JP GTA promotes voices of rural women leaders in Ecuador

The Rural Women’s Roundtable constitutes a mechanism to convene the voices of rural women leaders in initiatives for citizen participation regarding improvements in the country’s agricultural sector.

© FAO Ecuador


Marking International Women's Day 2022, the EU-RBA Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition (JP GTA) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Ecuador highlighted their collaboration through the launch of the ‘Mesa Mujer Rural’, or Rural Women’s Roundtable, a national initiative aimed at promoting the voices of rural women leaders. The launch took place within the framework of the Rural Women and Family Farming Event held in Quito on 9 March 2022.

The JP GTA is implemented by the three United Nations Rome-based Agencies – FAO, IFAD and WFP – in collaboration with and through financial support from the European Union (EU). Ecuador is one of the JP GTA’s two pilot countries for implementation of country-level activities, together with Malawi.

As its main objective, the Joint Programme seeks to address the root causes of gender inequalities and promote food security, improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture with a view to contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2. It is working to support the Rome-based Agencies, the EU and their partners to embed gender transformative approaches in their policy dialogues, programmes, working modalities and institutional culture.

In line with the objectives of the National Agricultural Strategy for Rural Women (ENAMR), the collaboration between the Joint Programme and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock promotes women's participation, through civil society initiatives, in the national policies the Ecuadorian government is seeking to implement, with the Rural Women’s Roundtable as a space for analysis and discussion.

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