
Linking gender and climate experts for adaptation planning in the Gambia

The workshop afforded key stakeholders an opportunity to challenge assumptions about what gender means and to exchange knowledge on how to link gender and climate change issues in practice.


In order to raise awareness of the gender dimensions of adaptation among key actors in The Gambia, the NAP-Ag programme organized a 2-day workshop in Jenoi Village, Lower River Region on 3 and 4 May. Twenty-one participants from the nonprofit, academic, UN and government sectors traveled to the Jenoi Agricultural Training Centre in order to share their expertise and to identify linkages between gender equality, agricultural development, and climate change adaptation.

Prior to the workshop, a detailed literature review and stakeholder analysis were conducted, in order to document the gender-agriculture-adaptation context in The Gambia. These reviews identified possible entry points and challenges to mainstreaming gender in adaptation planning in agriculture as well as examples of ongoing gender mainstreaming at different policymaking levels.

The workshop served as an opportunity to validate some of the findings of the stakeholder analysis. In addition, with a range of presentations and ample time for group discussions, it afforded key stakeholders an opportunity to challenge assumptions about what gender means and to exchange knowledge on how to link gender and climate change issues in practice.

The first day featured a presentation by Ms. Amie Fabureh, Director of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture and Gender Focal Point, on the topic of the gender gap in agriculture in The Gambia. This was complemented by a presentation on gender concepts by Ms. Isatou Ndaw, National Gender Expert, Gambia College. Together, these presentations generated fruitful discussions in which participants reflected on such themes as gender roles, responsibilities and attributes that are socially created; biases; and how organizations may be more supportive of women employees.

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