
The FAO AgrInvest-Food Systems project and the national union of women parboilers in Burkina Faso

The project selected UNERIZ due to its capacity to generate decent jobs for all actors along the value chain, especially for women and young people.

©FAO/A. Benedetti


In Burkina Faso, rice is a major staple crop and plays a considerable role in the economy, both as a source of income and as an important element in the diet of many households, especially in urban areas. The AgrInvest-Food Systems project of FAO (AgrInvest-FS), - an initiative attracting private investments into agri-food systems aligned with the SDGs - has analysed the investment dynamics of private sector actors in this value chain, mainly focusing on processors (including women parboilers) and producers cooperatives that supply paddy rice to these actors in the west and south-eastern regions of the country.

Over the past three years, the project has been working with the National Union of Women Parboilers (UNERIZ), an organisation supporting its members in accessing services to improve their production. The umbrella organisation of parboiler cooperatives strengthens the technical and management capacities of its members; it facilitates their access to storage equipment and infrastructure and supports them in marketing parboiled rice.

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