
The trail-blazing female entrepreneur leading Afghanistan’s growing saffron market

Karima’s saffron business is booming, with a little help from a FAO project.

Karima’s business handles every aspect of saffron production, from harvesting to exporting abroad. ©FAO/A.Sadiqi


Saffron: one of the world’s most expensive spices, known for its fiery colour and delicate flavour. Not only is it a key ingredient in many dishes across the world, from Spanish paella to Iranian koresh, it is used in both medicine and perfumery too. Due to this versatility, global demand is high – but given that it is produced by hand, there is a hefty amount of labour required for its production, so getting this sought-after spice onto the market is no easy feat. However, for those that manage it, it is a profitable business.

Despite the challenges Afghan farmers have contended with in recent decades, ranging from conflict to natural disasters, the country’s saffron production industry is promising. The climate in Afghanistan is ideal for growing the spice and it has become one of the most important sources of income for small and medium-scale Afghan farmers and traders. In 2019, the production and export of saffron brought USD 27 million into the country, which is no surprise, given that Afghan saffron was recently ranked first in the world for quality.

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