
Cultivating inclusive change for women in agriculture

How SCALA is strengthening gender-responsive climate action from local practices to national frameworks

©©FAO/Katumba Badru


Agrifood systems are a major employer of women globally and constitute a more important source of livelihood for women than for men in many countries, according to FAO’s The Status of Women in Agrifood System Report. The good news is that women’s roles and contribution in the agrifood sector are increasingly reflected in climate plans too – around two-thirds of countries’ nationally determined contributions (NDCs) prioritize gender equality and social inclusion for effective agrifood systems adaptation.

Despite this, in many countries women in agriculture remain significantly marginalized and vulnerable, often confined to part-time and low-skilled jobs that are irregular, informal and labour-intensive. Reversing this trend will require mainstreaming gender and social inclusion in a way that considers women’s roles, wages, higher burdens – such as unpaid care – limited opportunities in education and employment, as well as restricted land rights and ownership. It also calls for sector-specific sex-disaggregated data to help countries plan gender-responsive agriculture services and ensure adaptive changes do not curtail opportunities for women in this sector.

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