FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

2022: A great opportunity to highlight small-scale artisanal fisheries and aquaculture


Interview with Manuel Barange the Director of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


1.    Celebrating the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022) is a great opportunity to highlight small-scale artisanal fisheries and aquaculture. What needs to be done to make it a success?

Small-scale fishers, fish farmers and fish workers don’t always get the attention they deserve.  IYAFA 2022 will be a success if we can raise global awareness about these artisanal producers, which account for a large majority of those involved in the sector, and their critical contribution.

These fishers, fish farmers and fish workers are largely dedicated to nourishing local consumers. They have limited capital or access to technology, their activities are often managed by families or communities and they are not always recognized by management or regulatory bodies. Small-scale producers deserve better recognition if we are going to secure the ecological, economic and social sustainability of the small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

Part of the solution will be to bring these producers closer to the evidence-gathering and data collection processes, include them in decision-making and facilitate their access to resources and markets, while supporting efforts to develop and improve fish value chains. Small-scale fishers and fish farmers must also be included in the search for innovative and workable long-lasting solutions if we are to ensure they have a sustainable future and a central role in efforts to end hunger and food insecurity.

2.    How can partners take action to celebrate this International Year?

International years are springboards for action and IYAFA 2022 is a wonderful opportunity for partners to use the momentum to further their own individual and collective objectives in support of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture. For example, partners may want to facilitate dialogue between producers and other stakeholders and push for adjustments in policies and governance mechanisms in their countries or areas of operation. They could engage with consumer organizations to better recognize the quality and value of locally-sourced fish products, adding value and market opportunities for their products.

There are also opportunities for the private sector to modernize supply chains, while academic institutions might support and develop the role of small-scale producers in securing sustainability. These are just examples, but the IYAFA 2022 Global Action Plan (GAP) has plenty of information based around seven pillars that provide a significant framing for any action conducted in the name of IYAFA 2022An important element of any GAP activity linked to IYAFA 2022 is a human rights-based approach that seeks to analyze the inequalities that lie at the heart of development and address them.

3.    This year the UN Ocean Conference will draw global attention to  small-scale artisanal fisheries and aquaculture. What does FAO expect to achieve?

FAO intends to use the UN Ocean Conference to highlight the contribution of small-scale fishers, fish farmers and fish workers as well as their potential. We want to draw attention to the people behind the fish we eat, to understand them, their motivations and their struggles, and how important they are for the global food security and nutrition.  

Fisheries and aquaculture, and specifically the small-scale subsectors, are expected to increase their contribution to food security especially in the poorest countries and in the context of a growing population. These workers are the backbone of a sector that is rapidly evolving.

Of course, there are many challenges for small scale fisheries and aquaculture activities that must be acknowledged: climate shocks, marine pollution, overfishing and rising temperatures. These will impact lives and livelihoods.  Sustainable production and development of aquatic resources is essential.

With the support of governments, collaboration with small-scale fisheries and aquaculture organizations and other partners we can commit to improving the situation of those who work in the sector and ensure they get equal access to resources, inputs and services.

The UN Ocean Conference  is a great opportunity to focus on what has been achieved in fisheries and aquaculture, the contribution small-scale fishers, fish farmers and fish workers have made and the possibilities for expanding the sector so it can play a broader role in feeding the planet in the future.

Related Links:

International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022) official website.

Check here the calendar of activities and events that are being organized worldwide to promote #IYAFA2022.