FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

High-level event: Launching of the MoU between FAO and Wageningen University & Research| 8 April 2022


High-level event: Launching of the MoU between FAO and Wageningen University & Research| 8 April 2022

The high-level event will celebrate the longstanding partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Wageningen University & Research (WUR), raise awareness of the new and strengthened areas of cooperation under the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding, and inspire the audience to learn more about FAO and WUR joint efforts to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The event will also provide a platform to discuss selected technical areas of collaboration between FAO and WUR, showcase results, and discuss forward-looking opportunities for this partnership. 

Keynote speakers

•             FAO Director-General, Mr QU Dongyu

•             President of the Executive Board of Wageningen University & Research, Professor Louise O. Fresco

•             The Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN Organizations for Food and Agriculture, Ambassador Marcel Beukeboom

•             FAO Chief Scientist, Ms Ismahane Elouafi

Event’s setup

The event will start with a high-level segment with keynote speakers, followed by two thematic technical sessions with technical experts from FAO and WUR, and a closing session with FAO Chief Scientist and the President of the Wageningen University & Research Executive Board.

The event’s detailed programme is attached.

Join us in the virtual high-level event on


Friday 8 April 2022

14:30 – 16:30 CEST