FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

One Health Dialogue Series fourth session focused on Food Safety.


One Health Dialogue Series fourth session focused on Food Safety.

The FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in Geneva organized on 6 April 2022 the fourth session of its One Health Dialogue Series in partnership with the other quadripartite organizations, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

Under the topic of “Enhancing Food Safety using the One Health Approach”, the fourth dialogue focused on the experience of countries in establishing food safety programs, capacity development and compliance with food safety standards using the One Heath approach. The session proposed some elements, challenges and lessons learned from the Caribbean Region, Honduras and Mongolia.

Key messages from the webinar can be summarized as follows:

  • Food, and the complex systems involved in the pathways from production to consumption, sit at the nexus of the human-animal-plant-environment interface. The different ways in which food is produced may therefore not only affect the safety of the final product, but also the health and welfare of animals, the health of plants, and the environment. Reciprocally, the food production environment and the health of animals and plants, or their contamination may impact food safety.
  • FAO works closely with the OIE, WHO addressing Food Safety and supporting countries to participate in the development of CODEX standards and their implementation. Good examples of support to countries are the CODEX Trust Fund and the Standards Trade Development Facility (STDF) to enhance capacities for food safety, animal health and plant health using a One Health approach.
  • Food Safety is everybody’s business from farm producers up to consumers and the One Health approach is a cornerstone to facilitate coordination, multisectoral collaboration and sharing of knowledge, expertise, and technology among sectors.
  • The One Health approach is recognised as critical to address food safety and food safety is critical to promote One Health.

 Recording of the Session:

  • Click here to watch the Recording of the One Health Dialogue Series on “Enhancing Food Safety using the One Health Approach”. Enter the passcode: p^zURb!8.

Related Links:

First session of the FAO in Geneva One Health Dialogue Series - Theme: One Health Dialogue – Health through healthy agrifood systems

Second edition of the FAO in Geneva One Health Dialogue series - Theme: One Health governance and good practices

Third FAO in Geneva One Health Dialogue Series focuses on AMR