FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

Translating One Health approach into action

Geneva- The Quadripartite, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Word Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), jointly organized a virtual event to celebrate the One Health (OH) Day and present initiatives and programs for implementing One Health in countries and regions.

The Quadripartite has been playing a central role in promoting and coordinating a global One Health approach through the One Health Joint Plan of Action (OHJPA), which was launched in October 2022. Under the theme “One Health Implementation: How could we translate the One Health approach into actions at all levels,” this OH Dialogue Series presented concrete implementation experiences, evidence, and examples of the OH approach at all levels, discussing challenges faced as well as opportunities.

Delivering the opening remarks, Amina Benyahia, Acting Head of the WHO One Health Initiative, highlighted the essential role of the OHJPA in preventing future pandemics and building resilient health systems. She concluded by emphasizing the investment in One Health as crucial for preventing pandemics and creating a safer, healthier, and more sustainable future.

Quadripartite works and efforts towards One Health implementation

Keith Sumption, Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) of FAO, outlined three key focus areas for the Quadripartite collaboration: advocacy, advancing policies into actions, and evidence and knowledge generation. He introduced the One Health Joint Plan of Action and its implementation guide, which is set to be launched on 10 December during the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023 (COP 28).

Chadia Wannous, One Health Global Coordinator of WOAH, discussed the principles for implementing the One Health Joint Plan of Action at the country level and explained the guide’s stepwise approach. She noted that regional workshops are organized to support regions and Member States in adapting their strategies for operationalizing and implementing the One Health approach in line with the OH JPA and its Implementation Guide.

Gongal Gyanendra, Senior Public Health Officer of WHO, and Makiko Yashiro, Programme Office of UNEP co-presented on advancing One Health in the Asia-Pacific region and outcomes from the Quadripartite One Health Workshop in the region. They accentuated the Quadripartite OH JPA and its theory of change through Three Pathways of Change and Six Action Tracks, proposing recommendations for Member states, the Quadripartite (QPT), and partners for follow-up action.

Fairouz Larfaoui, Animal Health Officer of FAO, and Francesco Valentini, Programme Officer of WOAH jointly presented on the Quadripartite Regional Meeting to accelerate the implementation of One Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and provided final recommendations.

In-depth Panel Discussion

Panelists from the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP), G20 Joint Finance and Health Task Force Secretariat and Bangladesh had a very stimulating and in-depth exchange facilitated by Wondwosen Asnake Kibret, the Programme Officer of UNEP. Osman Dar, Consultant in Global Public Health, Public Health England and Director for the One Health Project, Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs, United Kingdom, acknowledged the progress made in the last three years within the context of the OHHLEP. He underscored the importance of addressing the challenge of working in silos through strategies such as policy advocacy, financial support, organizational development, sectoral integration, and educational initiatives to maintain One Health as a comprehensive, multi-dimensional approach.

Serina Ng, Executive Head of the 20 Joint Finance and Health Task Force Secretariat, highlighted the necessity of translating the benefits of One Health into financial and economic terms. Additionally, she stressed that around 80 percent of the Pandemic Fund-funded projects adopted a One Health approach.

Nitish Debnath, Team Lead of the Fleming Fund Country Grant to Bangladesh, DAI Global, LLC - National Coordinator One Health in Bangladesh, shared insights on implementing the One Health program in the country. Closing the dialogue, Chadia Wannous thanked the panelists for their insightful discussions. She mentioned the One Health tool review and creating a resource list for countries and emphasized the need for collaboration across sectors, recognizing the complex financial landscape and competing priorities.