FAO in Georgia

EU and FAO launch Grant Competition to support agricultural development in Georgia


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under the EU-funded European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD III), announces Grant Competition to support agricultural initiatives in Georgia. The objectives of the initiative are to improve access to finance, services, equipment and inputs for farmers, rural households, cooperatives and other small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in rural areas. These improvements are expected to contribute to increased competitiveness of the agricultural sector and better livelihoods for people living in the rural areas.  

The competition includes two categories of grants. Within the Grant Category 1 agricultural initiatives will be funded for farmers, rural households, cooperatives and SMEs whose farms and businesses operate in one of the following municipalities: Lagodekhi, Dedoplistskaro, Tetriskaro, Akhalkalaki, Borjomi, Kazbegi, Keda or Khulo. These are the eight municipalities where the rural development LEADER projects are implemented under EU-funded ENPARD Programme. The Grant Category 1 will support capital investments like machinery and equipment in any sector or agriculture.

The Grant Category 2 will support farmers, rural households, cooperatives and SMEs who operate in the municipalities of Akhaltsikhe, Dusheti, Khelvachauri, Shuakhevi, Marneuli, Bolnisi, Dmanisi, Gardabani, Tsalka, Ninotsminda, Aspindza and Kvareli. This grant category follows a value chain approach and aims to support the following 5 sectors: beef (in all municipalities), dairy (in all municipalities), vegetable (in Kvareli, Gurjaani and Sighnaghi), wheat (in Sighnaghi) and potato production (in Tsalka, Ninotsminda and Aspindza).


Grant competition will not cover operating expenditures such as inputs, working capital and seeds. The required contribution that can be provided by the project should not be below 1.000 USD or above 150,000 USD for the application to be considered eligible.


The initiative will provide 40% grants and requires beneficiaries to co-invest a minimum of 60% of the total investment requirement.


The initiative will also aim to support specific investments with high economic, social, and environmental impact and will increase the level of support to 60%.

Information sharing meetings in the municipalities will be held as follows:







October 15, 2019

Municipality Building  Conference Hall



October 18, 2019

Municipality Building  Conference Hall



October 22, 2019

Municipality Building  Conference Hall



October 23, 2019

Municipality Building  Conference Hall



October 29, 2019

Municipality Building  Conference Hall



October 31, 2019




November 4, 2019

Lagodekhi Protected Areas Administration Building Conference Hall



The applications will be accepted during limited periods of time called grant cycles. For information about the dates, application submission, required supporting documents, and promoted investments, please visit the website: WWW.FAOGRANTS.ge


For any additional information, please refer to the list of regional coordinators on the websites.