FAO in Georgia

Irrigation solutions for Georgian agricultural producers with EU and FAO support


Agricultural entrepreneurs and representatives of the Information and Consultation Centers (ICC) of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia attended training in modern irrigation solutions, organized by FAO, under the EU-financed ENPARD Programme.

Led by FAO International Consultant Marcko Theodoracopoulos, the training was dedicated to the role of environmentally friendly irrigation solutions in modern agriculture. The training focused on drip irrigation, a proven eco-smart and cost-effective method, that allows farmers to use less water and be more sustainable.

“Drip irrigation is a homework to be done for many countries in the world. Many farmers in Georgia can get better results in their production using this system. Drip irrigation helps to save valuable resources – water first of all, it ensures the crops receive sufficient moisture with minimal damage to the environment,”  Theodoracopoulos stated. 

To counter this problem, FAO provides such training for individual farmers, large agricultural producers, as well as state extension specialists who work at the Information and Consultation Centers (ICC). ICC representatives have direct daily contact with farmers all around Georgia and can play an important role in spreading the knowledge on drip irrigation and other agricultural innovations brought by FAO and the EU.

“The lack of knowledge in agriculture in general, and particularly in the utilisation of modern irrigation systems still remains one of the main challenges for farmers in Georgia. Through the ENPARD Programme, FAO and EU are joining forces to reduce this knowledge gap” stated Javier Sanz Alvarez, FAO Programme Coordinator.

 ‘’Many of the farmers in our region are already using drip irrigation in their greenhouses and open ground land plots and are quite satisfied with the results. I think FAO trainings such as this one can play an important role in modernizing agriculture in Georgia,’’ said Lia Champuridze, ICC Senior Specialist from Tskaltubo municipality, participant of the training..

The EU is supporting agriculture and rural development in Georgia through its ENPARD programme. Implemented since 2013 with a total budget of EUR 234.5 million, the main goal of ENPARD is to provide economic opportunities in rural areas and reduce poverty in Georgia. More information on ENPARD is available at: www.enpard.ge