FAO in Georgia

Second National Agricultural Olympiad launched in Georgia


Launch of the second National Agrarian Olympiad was announced today. The competitions aims to promote the agricultural sector and agrarian education, raise awareness among young people on different agricultural fields, create a qualified mechanism for professional knowledge evaluation and endorse informal education in agriculture. 

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Otar Shamugia, Asistant FAO Representative of Georgia, Mamuka Meskhi and other involved parties attended the launch today. As stated by the Minister, the Natianal Agricultural Olympiad will contribute to the increase of interest in agrarian education, the involvement of more people in agriculture and development of both agriculture and the agrarian sector in general.

''Participation of the new generation in the agricultural olympiad is crucial for us. Winning the olympiad will be the best incentive for them to do even more for the field, for their own self-development and advancement. The winners of the Olympiad will undergo an internship at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and will be given the opportunity to be employed in the Ministry system, ”said Mr. Otar Shamugia.

 "The olympiad will allow us to promote the individuals who have in-depth knowledge and qualification in the agricultural field. On the other hand, we cam make agricultural education more popular among the youth," said Mamuka Meskhi, Assistant FAO Representative in Georgia. 

The National Agricultural Olympiad will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. The Olympiad is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Austrian Development Cooperation, the Agricultural Development Association (ADA), the USAID Agriculture Program, and the Caucasus Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations Network (CENN).

The target audience of the Olympiad includes:

  • • Specialists with higher or vocational education in the field of agriculture
  • • Students from agrarian universities and vocational schools
  • • Farmers who are engaged in the agricultural activity and have relevant knowledge and experience as a result of long-term practice, 
  • Students of public and private high schools, or specialized colleges of the age of 14-18.


The Olympiad will be held in three phases. The first one is the registration of the participants; second - online testing in one of the agricultural fields, where participants will have a free choice to select the area.  In the third stage, the top scorers will take the final tests and the winners will be revealed.

This year, several major changes have been made to the rules of the Olympiad:


• The contestant will be able to participate in one field only. Consequently, the chances of one person winning two different nominations are excluded.
• If the contestants accumulate an equal number of points in the same field, the participant who has the correct answer to more questions in the "difficult" category will be awarded. If the participants in the tenth and eleventh places in the first round accumulate an equal number of points, both of them will be admitted in the second round.
 • The number of test questions has been reduced, therefore,  60 questions will be included in each area instead of 90. 

Within the framework of the Agricultural Olympiad 2022, three winners (I position, II position, III position) will be identified from each category – farmer, student, specialist and pupil. The winners of the Olympiad will be awarded certificates and prizes.

Contact information for the National Agricultural Olympiad:

Website: http://www.agroolimpiada.ge  

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NAOGEORGIA